5월, 2017의 게시물 표시

GTA3, GTA VC, GTA SA Android No Root CLEO Compatible with Android 7.0+ (Nougat)

DL: https://mega.nz/#F!VxRVWAyK!OwBQ7d0blf7wlMJ1FaC05w GTA III(1.4), GTA VC(1.07), GTA SA(1.08) no root cleo compatible with Android 7.0+ you can use cleo these gta games with lastest android versions. i made that no root cleo and original cleo from dev-c.com

GTA SA Android 1.08 no root CLEO Compatible with 7.0+

https://mega.nz/#!YlIVBRRY!s9QoBCZOPESm-e3XgQblMREGGnnA6rMsDQwt-0o6EVc you can now use CLEO with 7.0+ devices. but there are some issues with bigger cleo mods. ex)random crashes,  not working, etc...